How it works
Monmouth County Crime Stoppers can receive tips from the community four different ways: telephone, app or web. By guaranteeing a tipster's anonymity, Monmouth County Crime Stoppers allows the caller to give information in a positive atmosphere without the possibility of retaliation. By offering cash rewards for information leading to arrest and prosecution, the program encourages otherwise reluctant callers to provide information.
Upon providing a tip, the tipster will be given a confidential code number that becomes the tipster's only identity in the system. No one will ever ask for a tipster's name.

Telephone Tips
Telephone tips are received at a Call Center in Texas that has operators working 24/7. They do not use caller ID and they do not record the calls. The operators take down the information the tipster provides and then emails it to a Monmouth County Crime Stoppers Coordinator. The coordinator reviews the information and then passes it on to the appropriate police officer or police agency to further investigate.
Calls are accepted about any crime or criminal regardless of whether or not it has been publicized by Monmouth County Crime Stoppers.

Web Tips

Online web tips are received through our website. It is a completely safe and anonymous way to provide a tip. Using secure and encrypted software called Tip Soft, the Monmouth County Crime Stoppers Coordinator can have a two-way dialogue with the tipster, yet the tipster's identity is still not revealed. The Coordinator can as questions of the tipster and also provide reward information to the tipster. The tipster can also return to the website and provide additional information at any time. As mentioned above, the Coordinator reviews the information and then passes it on to the appropriate police officer or police agency to further investigate.